Frequently Asked Question

How do I add the ASCOM Safety driver?
Last Updated 18 days ago

  1. Open ASCOM Diagnostics
  2. In the top menu, click Choose Device
  3. Click Choose and Connect Device -- NOT the 32bit one
  4. In the Select Device Type drop down, pick SafetyMonitor
  5. Click the Choose button
  6. In the top menu, click Alpaca
  7. Click Create Alpaca Driver (Admin)
  8. Enter Obs # Safety where # is the number of the observatory you're in.
  9. Click Properties
  10. In the Remote Device Host Name or IP Address field, enter
  11. In the Alpaca Port field, enter 12345
  12. In the Remote device number field, enter the number of the observatory you're in.
    Example for Obs 1:
  13. Click the OK button at the bottom right
  14. Click the OK button on the ASCOM SafetyMonitor Chooser window
  15. Test connectivity by clicking the Connect button.
    You should see window contents similar to the following: image
  16. You can close the Connection Tester and ASCOM Diagnostics windows.
You can now add the ASCOM Safety device to your imaging software.

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